Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Running in the Rain

Did you wake up to rain today?
Did you look through the windows, decide you simply couldn't lace up your shoes, pull tight your hood and run in the rain?
Did you have a difficult time forgetting yesterday's goal you only finished half-way?
Did you think today's goal could be completed if you simply didn't have one at all?

Did you remember the races you ran in years past, the miles you conquered, and wonder how you arrived in today unable to run a mile?  Did you let what you could do at 20, 30, or 40, determine what you should do today?

Some days are just hard to muster what it takes to run in the rain.  But we were all created to run.  We all have a path filled with opportunity, adventure, and promise.  Hope.

Might I encourage you, Favored One, from the diary pages of John Wesley?

Sunday Morning, May 5.  Preached in St. Ann's.  Was asked not to come back anymore.
Sunday p.m., May 5.  Preached at St. John's.  Deacons said "Get out and stay out."
Sunday a.m., May 12.  Preached at St. Jude's.  Can't go back there either.
Sunday p.m., May 12.  Preached at St. George's.  Kicked out again.
Sunday a.m., May 19.  Preached at St. somebody else's.
Deacons called special meeting and said I couldn't return.
Sunday p.m., May 19.  Preached on the street.  Kicked off the street.
Sunday a.m., May 26.  Preached in meadow, chased out of meadow as bull was turned loose during the service.
Sunday a.m., June 2, afternoon service.  Preached out at the edge of town, kicked off the highway.
Sunday p.m., June 2, afternoon service.  Preached in a pasture, 
10,000 people came to hear me.

Laugh out-loud, Favored One, go ahead!  Laugh with tears in your eyes about how tempted you are to carry defeat in your backpack because you aren't perfect.  Laugh when you preach at St. somebody else's and are told you can't return.  You have a race.  You have a field of spectators.  Don't be burdened by this.  They might cheer when you race ahead.  They might cheer when you fall and rise again.  They will watch because they know there is a finish line for each one of us.  Laugh out-loud when the bull is released to chase you from the field.  Laugh, and RUN!  
Don't carry 
who you used to be,
wish you could be, 
believe you can never be,
 on your back.  
Did you wake up to rain today?
I know it is hard.  But I'm for you!  I'm such a small voice though.  Who you need, as you reach for those shoes and tie up the laces, is the One who began and finished the race we're in.  10,000 and 10,000's came to hear, and their voices join mine.  Run, Favored One, run!
 Do you see what this means - all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on?  It means we'd better get on with it.  Strip down, start running - and never quit!  No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins.  Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in.  Study how he did it.  Because he never lost sight of where he was headed - that exhilarating finish in and with God - he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever.  And now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.  When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over the story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through.  That will shoot adrenaline into your souls.     Hebrews 12:1-3  The Message

Linking with these Spaces of Encouragement:
A Pause on the Path
The Scenic Route
 Hip Homeschool Hop Button


  1. Such a beautiful, encouraging post.

    1. I'm so glad His whispers to me this morning ministered to you as well.

  2. I really needed this encouragement today... Thank you for allowing God to use you to bless others through your words!

    1. His whispered words to me, now to you, and with a hug for good measure. You run well.

  3. This is such a refreshing and encouraging post and exactly what some of my friends will be longing to hear...thank you dear friend!

  4. I'm so glad you've left this space refreshed! Thank you for spending time as a Favored One here. Blessings.


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