Friday, January 6, 2012


Today is Three Kings Day
"to make manifest"

And there they are ~ 
all those who bore witness to the birth of the One God
who wrapped Himself in skin.
 Nativity Scenes always seem to be just that neat and tidy.  The Holy Family, shepherds, wise men, and the animals.  Everyone in their designated spot.

This year the Benton's added a beautiful nativity from the Elim Mission in Poland.
After I set it up the question was asked, "where's the baby?"
I told them he had not arrived yet.
Next question ~
"well, what are the shepherds there for?"
Of course.
The wise men were on a table on the far side of the room.
The youngest agreed with me that their's was a journey still in the making.
And every day since the Birthday of Christ,
Sam has been moving those wise men across the floor towards the Miracle.

As Ken and I were turning off lights for the evening last night
I ventured to the Nativity Corner.
After grabbing Ken and my camera,
and laughing so hard I almost cried,
I thought about the last day of the journey that Sam had staged.

He staged this perfectly!

There is no neat and tidy in the journey towards the miracle.
It will require faith.
To travel far away, towards a pinpoint of shining glory in the heavens because the Story just might be true.
It will require preparation. 
To gather the essentials for a long trek~
to take only what is needed~
to think through what gift to bestow on the Creator of the radiant light that beckons.
It will require contemplation.
To discover which is the right way to go~
to remember past obstacles, and the Way that made a path through them.
It will require anticipation.
To keep the appetite whet~
the desire kindled~
to hunger and thirst so that there is no settling for half-way there.
It will require joy.
For joy in worship it praise perfected.

 "After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.  When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.  On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.  Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh."  
Matthew 2:9-11

I have come to believe the journey towards the Miracle will take the whole of my life on earth ~  
journeying to my final home,
my nativity.
 And at last,
 when I lay my greatest treasures at His feet,
what a gathering that will be!

"Praise the LORD with the harp:
play to him upon the 
psaltery and lyre.
Sing for him a new song:
sound a fanfare with all
your skill upon the
For the word of the LORD is right:
and all his works
are sure.
He loves righteousness
and justice:
the loving-kindness of the LORD fills
the whole earth.
By the word of the LORD
were the heavens made:
by the breath of his mouth
all the heavenly host."
Psalm 33:1-6

Happy Three Kings Day, Favored One!  Enjoy the journey!

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